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Defamation Lawyers

Some people forget how important it is to carry out a thorough risk analysis prior to deciding on the most appropriate response to internet defamation. Here is a quick guide to how we suggest it is best to carry out risk management when it comes to responding to internet defamation.

Online defamation

  • Find  out as much as you possibly can about the capacity of the individual or company which are responsible for defaming you online. Are they a blogger? A “professional” self-appointed individual? Are they a competitor? The more you understand about their practices, motives and technical and financial abilities the more accurate and effective your response to internet defamation would be.
  • Calmly evaluate the risk to your business by first refraining from taking any particular action. Never act impulsively or upon advice which is not based on proven experience and understanding of the issue. Carefully consider the best, worst, and most likely consequences of the various options which are available to you to defeat the defamation on the internet.
  • Consider all your available solutions and in particular the legal, technical and social solutions to the defamation issue and always look at the big, long term picture.
  • Develop a strategy based on all of the above and never react sporadically.

Follow this simple guide because it is important that you get things right first time round as there might not be a second chance.

 The Internet Law Centre

0207 183 4123


Internet  Law Centre gives all the advice you need on internet defamation.

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